Halloween is near, Conquer Your Fears

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Everywhere you look this month you will see the signs of Halloween. While this season is a fun time for costumes and theme parties, it is also a good insight into the power that fears can have over us psychologically.

What is it about fears that haunts us?

You have seen the thriller movies with the girl running and tripping almost every step, slowing herself down and inevitably contributing to her own demise. Yet, how many times do you do that metaphorically to yourself in your path to success when you succumb to fears? It is a powerful force that can hold you back or drive you forward depending on your ability to deal with it.

There are times in every entrepreneur’s life when fears will be a part of your experience, but don’t treat it like a horror flick to be avoided — seek out fear for the positive things it can bring about in your life.

Here are five quotes about fears that every entrepreneur should know

If you start to approach the things you fears most, you might find that many of them are things you don’t fully appreciate or understand. Sometimes simply reframing the things you are afraid of and coming to learn more about them will change the nature of your fear.

halloween fears

When you face up to the things that make you most afraid you often find that they aren’t as terrifying as you could have imagined. Often a fear of heights can be overcome by facing it. Other times fear of failure can be defeated by facing your own defeat and learning first hand that it isn’t fatal.

Take the time to face your fears and give up battling them.

entrepreneur fears

Leave it to Marilyn to teach us that we should live while we are alive. Yes, maybe your fears feel more serious than “stupid”, but the essence of the message is that whatever holds you back from experiencing a full spectrum of your own life really isn’t worth your time. If fear is holding you back from living, then it is time to let go.

Much like the earlier quote says, simply facing your fears by doing it is one of the surest ways to beat it. In business, this can mean a lot of things for you. Perhaps it’s your fear of approaching venture capitalists, or maybe it’s your fear of hiring your first employee. Only you know what fears are unique to you, but the surest way to overcome them is to face them, make a decision and to experience the results.

fear of mistakes

There is a great truth that no is never final and failure is never fatal. You can overcome whatever obstacles are ahead of you that are causing you to fear moving forward. What Franklin says is perhaps the best way to think about fears, not as a thing to worry over, but to know that failures are a certainty in life but that you can choose to keep going forward toward your dreams and successes.

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Lena Khalid is an Accountant by profession. She quits her job that requires a lot of travelling and work from home since 2008. Started with affiliate marketing, and she learns the trick of the trades fast. She created a few membership sites and focusing in smaller niches. In 2010, she started to assist offline businesses going online via website design and consultation on internet marketing. Today, LenaKhalid.com has a list of related websites to assist business owners to get online fast!!

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