![Excuses Local Business Use to Avoid the Internet](https://lenakhalid.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Excuses-Local-Business-Use-to-Avoid-the-Internet.jpg)
5 Excuses Local Business Use to Avoid the Internet
When it comes to internet marketing, social marketing, websites, etc., many local business owners sometimes let their fears and feelings get in the way of a sound business strategy.
Top 5 Excuses Local Business Use to avoid the Internet
1. I am not a techie
People often think they need to be a technical juggernaut to use the internet and nothing could be further from the truth. People everywhere are using the internet – kids under 10, teenagers, students, stay-at-home moms, retired persons, and even grannies. So much of the internet has been simplified and there are so many forums full of people who are ready to help you out for free. The thing to remember is that you can conquer your fear by empowering yourself with knowledge. You can start just by browsing other business websites and getting familiar with how the web works. Also sign up for the numerous free courses and free email newsletters available.
2. It is too hard
If you think you’ll be writing code or doing some complex graphic design, think again. That’s what website designers, graphic designers, software developers and everyone in between are there for. There are lots of great companies that help get your local business launched on the internet.
3. It costs too much
Well it’s true that any business venture requires a monetary investment but the cost of setting up a web presence is a way lot cheaper than setting up a brick and mortar store. Once you have gotten the start-up costs out of the way, a lot of the other things can be done minimally or for free. Email letters, articles, Facebook pages, Twitter account, web content are some of the things you can do all on your own for free once you realize how it all fits into the big picture. In fact, if you are short on cash, internet marketing methods could be a life saver to your local business because so many of them can be done for very little money or absolutely nothing.
4. My local business is too small
Being too small may just be a blessing because the internet has made the world flat. It is an equal opportunity employer. Your small local business can play on the same level playing fields as the big guns in your industry and you probably have a better chance of success because you don’t have a whole bunch of bureaucracy to work through to institute changes. You could be located in any part of the world- Hollywood, a slum in India, the Amazon Forest or the North pole- and still conduct business with an internet connection. Plus social media has given celebrity status to the most unlikely businesses like one-man companies, small bakeries, enthusiasts, writers, bands, etc
5. I am scared
Actually this is the real reason why local business owners don’t want to go on the internet and it is understandable. Anytime we need to change course and try something new, that basic human instinct of fear rises up and squashes any hope of success. But the best weapon against fear of the unknown is knowledge. We don’t fear what we already know. And we can never know until we step out of our comfort zone, open our minds to learn and dare to take action. And once we do that and make progress, we will look back and wonder why we ever took so long to get started.
Honestly there are no legitimate excuses for local business owners NOT starting an internet marketing plan today.
And just because local business owners do not use it personally, does not mean your clients are not using it!
Here are Some Tips to Help local business owners to get started
– Register a website domain.
– Find yourself a hosting company. A small local business can host a website online for less than $10/month.
– Find a website template online (they are cheap but look very professional), and talk to a company like mine to help you setup the website template or build you a website from scratch.
– As part of your website design, do not just bullet point your product/services, but explain them in some detail. Add your own pictures of your products and services.
– Add your business info (address, phone, etc) and a contact form for customers to contact you.
– Make sure your contact information link is prominently displayed and setup call to action links throughout your website directing potential customers to contact you.
– Check to make sure the hosting company offers a blog add-on as part of the hosting service, and setup a blog.
– Brand and track your blog RSS feed and setup a blog email subscription.
– Add social share buttons to your blog and website.
– Start linking your site and blog in online directories
– Social marketing – Focus on 1 or 2 social networks initially. If your target market is consumers, consider Facebook and some targeted forums. If your target market is businesses, consider LinkedIn and Twitter. There really is no magic answer, just pick one or two and begin to build your online social network.
Follow these tips, and local business owners can avoid the excuses and start using the internet marketing to its maximum advantage.