3 Tips to Get More Social Media Attention

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Social media has become a crowded marketplace with all types of businesses, celebrities, events, news, and trends crowding the communication channels.

Simply going through the motions of posting won’t be enough to grab the attention of your audience. Therefore, you may need to implement strategies that will combat these shrinking attention spans.

Here are three tips to help you stand out on social media and get more engagement from your followers :

Tip #1) Don’t Be A Bore

It may sound simple, but you don’t want to create boring content for your social media posts. You want to keep things interesting and engaging in order to get the best results. Remember, you aren’t only competing against your competitors; you’re also competing against all the pictures from family and friends, funny videos, and cat photos that clog social media timelines. If you don’t have interesting content you won’t get any engagement from your audience. The less engaged they are, the less likely they will come back to your pages. So find out what types of content your customers like the most and create more of it for your social media marketing campaigns.

Tip #2) Branch Out From Facebook

While it’s true that Facebook is the largest social media network with the most traffic, your customers are also using other social media websites. For instance, Pinterest is a great source of social media traffic especially if you have a business that can be expressed visually. LinkedIn is powerful for establishing more professional connections and finding suitable employees. Instagram is another great social media outlet to use for visual content marketing, such as photos and videos. Don’t forget about YouTube which is the largest video sharing social media network; video-viewing is hot and gaining popularity everyday amongst consumers when it comes to online content.

Tip #3) Go Visual Whenever Possible

People on the Internet prefer visual forms of information as opposed to blocks of pure text. So use images and video in your social media marketing efforts as much as possible. It may seem like it’s going to take a lot of extra effort to create these images and videos, but it’s well worth the effort when you consider the rewards you receive. Images and video just standout and command attention while plain text is easily passed up.

These three tips are relatively simple and easy to understand, but don’t let that fool you. They are insanely powerful ways to increase the amount of attention you receive on social media websites. Using them will help you rise above the noise and gain the attention of your customers.

Note : Avoid posting your personal problems on social media. Those problems need personal solutions, not social attention. 🙂

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Lena Khalid is an Accountant by profession. She quits her job that requires a lot of travelling and work from home since 2008. Started with affiliate marketing, and she learns the trick of the trades fast. She created a few membership sites and focusing in smaller niches. In 2010, she started to assist offline businesses going online via website design and consultation on internet marketing. Today, LenaKhalid.com has a list of related websites to assist business owners to get online fast!!

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