7 Targeting Practices You Can Implement Today

Kickstart Your Online Business With These 300+ Video Tutorials!

We’ve covered seven 15-minute strategies for setting up hyper-profitable campaigns — whether retargeting or not — plus some bonus material! Find the recording below.

#1. Retargeting is a must for all advertisers.

Remarketing is a tactic that shows ads to users who have visited your website. Since the users have already expressed interest in the product or service you are offering, Remarketing is a cost-effective way to drive conversions, and should be leveraged as an ‘always on’ tactic.

#2. Always. Be. Prospecting.

What experts consider the most important metrics to track (backed by original research fielded in May 2020 by In conjunction with Remarketing to users who have shown interest, you should always be Prospecting, aka finding new customers. Some of our favorite, cost-effective prospecting tools are as follows: Native Ads, Smart Audience, Lookalike Audience.

#3. Performance advertising is not a short-term investment.

As a rule of thumb, a campaign needs to run between 2-8 weeks to become a positive investment. Why, you ask? Algorithms learn over time to only serves ads to users likely to convert. While this may be frustrating, it is true for all platforms like Google and Facebook. Essentially the algorithms need to “learn” their way into finding good users to serve ads to. They learn from “events” such as clicks or purchases.

#4. Use whitelists

This is a simple, yet effective strategy.

By creating a site list relevant to your target audience, you can reach users who are more likely to be interested in your product.

#5. Use creatives that make sense for your KPI’s.

If Viewability is an important metric for you, run smaller creatives, as they tend to have higher Viewability. Native Ads also tend to have very high viewability. Remember, per IAB guidelines, an ad is considered Viewable if 50% of the pixels are in-view for 1 second or more.

#6. Target your prospect lists with Dynamic Email Integration.

If you have CRM data on your audience, upload your emails and leverage Dynamic Email Integration to target those users across the Web, Mobile and Facebook.

#7. Strike a balance between a narrow targeting pool and scalability.

Appropriate targeting will help make your campaign stronger. However, keep in mind, if the targeted pool is too small, your campaign will not have enough scale and will not be as strong. Try to strike a balance.

Bonus Tips!

Watch the recording or check out the slides below for additional tactics you can start using today to target your audience more effectively!


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Lena Khalid is an Accountant by profession. She quits her job that requires a lot of travelling and work from home since 2008. Started with affiliate marketing, and she learns the trick of the trades fast. She created a few membership sites and focusing in smaller niches. In 2010, she started to assist offline businesses going online via website design and consultation on internet marketing. Today, LenaKhalid.com has a list of related websites to assist business owners to get online fast!!

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